Sunday, May 28, 2006

Farewell Kings Hill & Brighton. Two evenings of leaving dos (and a last Friday pub lunch - will miss the Nevill Bull) to celebrate my departure from the world of Kimberly-Clark. Thursday passed off fairly quietly - was more like a normal Friday evening after work than a celebration. Thanks to the normal Friday crowd for turning up on a Thursday - hope it didn't put you out too much having to have some extra alcohol this week.

And then a quick (!) trip down to not-so sunny Brighton and Grand Central to say farewell to everyone in the SSC. Fortunate enough to merge my departure with Evelyne's leaving do. Ensured a v good turnout of old & new faces. Not very many people left in the SSC from day 1, and that's only five years ago. Anyway it was great to see everyone one last time (well probably not last, expect I'll pop down there at some point to say hi to my old friends). Have to admit to having had one or two (or more) too many beers but hell, you don't leave work that often.


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