Double moose - part 2, act 2
OK, here come the answers to all those cliffhangers left at the end of the previous episode:
Did everyone make it to Victoria? Well, no! Three of the Brits decided to stay on in Tofino for an extra couple of days. Meant the bus was less packed, but also meant us English speakers were even more outnumbered.

As for alcohol, read on. However first lets keep track of the journey down to Victoria. First part of this was pretty much the reverse of the the 1st day's journey from Nanaimo to Tofino, but just with different stop off points. First break was at a coffee shop in Tofino - can't think what it was that told John we were in need of an intake of caffeine. Anyway after that we had a nice stroll to and along Long Beach in the morning sea mist with a bit of football, frisbie, and volleyball thrown in en route. The insanity club kept up its reputation: yep, Claudia and me went swimming again (once we found the ocean - Long Beach is very flat and the tide was out). This provided amusement for some of the rest of the group. The number of photos and video footage taken made it seem almost like we were being hounded by the paparazzi.
Next stop was at Cathedral Grove, an area with some very old trees (800 years). Could have spent a long time there just gazing up at the trees. The photo is our depleted Moose group of 17 standing in front of the tallest tree (66 metres high). You should have seen the queue of tourists waiting to get to the tree by the time John had taken photos of us with 17 different cameras (sorry, make that 18 - Claudia had two cameras!).
And so we continued our journey to Tofino via a little village (whose name I forget at the moment) to look at the murals that are painted on a lot of the buildings. Wasn't particularly impressed but did manage to buy a very nice smoothie. Stopped off at a lake just outside Victoria for a swim. Location was beautiful and water was very pleasant. Had a little tour around Victoria in the minibus before arriving at our hostel.
Dinner was arranged at a very good Caribbean restaurant just across the street from the hostel. Food was excellent, as was the beer and cocktail selection. V cheap pitchers too. Per quite enjoyed himself!
Having been suitably fed and (partially?) watered, we set off down to the harbour to see the BC parliament buildings lit up. Opinion was mixed on this - looked a bit Blackpool-ish to me. Just loads of white lights outlining all of the building. Hopefully someone else will have a photo I can put up here later - I didn't bother taking any. And so on to Big Bad John's for more (cheap) beer and Jagermeister. I know there are photos out there of this event too - hopefully they'll stay hidden for a while to protect the innocent. And so back to the hostel to continue working through the beer mountain in the moose cooler. And so to bed sometime between 3 & 4 (I think).
I think I've now covered the topic of alcohol, so on to the next day in Victoria.
Somehow, despite the alcohol and the late night, I was up bright and early. Actually make that I was up early. Went on the hunt for a coffee shop and an ATM (found that after the night before I had the grand total of $5 left in my pocket). First question in the coffee shop was "how strong would you like it?". Of course the answer was "How strong can you make it?". Having filled the bloodstream with caffeine, then explored Chinatown with a couple of the girls before forming a larger group to go and explore the Parliament building and the coast.
Walk down to the breakwater was a bit longer than expected but worth it for the view. Could see right across to Washington State (that's it in the background of the photo to the right).

Met up with John, Valerie, and Dominique on the way back. They took the high road and we took the low road! Made for a good photo though.
And so on to a beach just around the coast for a spot of sunbathing. Kristen decided to be brave and paddle in the water, which of course inspired your idiot of an author to go and throw himself in for a swim. Threw myself back out almost as quickly.
And then (all too soon) it was to head back to the hostel, load up the bus, and head for Vancouver. Numbers were even more depleted by now - think we were down to 14 now hacing lost two more Brits and our lone Spaniard. had a lovely ferry ride back across to Vancouver and then the city appeared and it was time to start saying goodbye to everyone as we dropped them off at their hostels (or luxury spa hotel in the case of two of the germans!).
Another moose tour done, more new friends made, more goodbyes. That's the only trouble with travelling - you meet some wonderful people who most likely you'll never see again.
Did everyone make it to Victoria? Well, no! Three of the Brits decided to stay on in Tofino for an extra couple of days. Meant the bus was less packed, but also meant us English speakers were even more outnumbered.

As for alcohol, read on. However first lets keep track of the journey down to Victoria. First part of this was pretty much the reverse of the the 1st day's journey from Nanaimo to Tofino, but just with different stop off points. First break was at a coffee shop in Tofino - can't think what it was that told John we were in need of an intake of caffeine. Anyway after that we had a nice stroll to and along Long Beach in the morning sea mist with a bit of football, frisbie, and volleyball thrown in en route. The insanity club kept up its reputation: yep, Claudia and me went swimming again (once we found the ocean - Long Beach is very flat and the tide was out). This provided amusement for some of the rest of the group. The number of photos and video footage taken made it seem almost like we were being hounded by the paparazzi.

And so we continued our journey to Tofino via a little village (whose name I forget at the moment) to look at the murals that are painted on a lot of the buildings. Wasn't particularly impressed but did manage to buy a very nice smoothie. Stopped off at a lake just outside Victoria for a swim. Location was beautiful and water was very pleasant. Had a little tour around Victoria in the minibus before arriving at our hostel.

Having been suitably fed and (partially?) watered, we set off down to the harbour to see the BC parliament buildings lit up. Opinion was mixed on this - looked a bit Blackpool-ish to me. Just loads of white lights outlining all of the building. Hopefully someone else will have a photo I can put up here later - I didn't bother taking any. And so on to Big Bad John's for more (cheap) beer and Jagermeister. I know there are photos out there of this event too - hopefully they'll stay hidden for a while to protect the innocent. And so back to the hostel to continue working through the beer mountain in the moose cooler. And so to bed sometime between 3 & 4 (I think).
I think I've now covered the topic of alcohol, so on to the next day in Victoria.

Met up with John, Valerie, and Dominique on the way back. They took the high road and we took the low road! Made for a good photo though.

And then (all too soon) it was to head back to the hostel, load up the bus, and head for Vancouver. Numbers were even more depleted by now - think we were down to 14 now hacing lost two more Brits and our lone Spaniard. had a lovely ferry ride back across to Vancouver and then the city appeared and it was time to start saying goodbye to everyone as we dropped them off at their hostels (or luxury spa hotel in the case of two of the germans!).
Another moose tour done, more new friends made, more goodbyes. That's the only trouble with travelling - you meet some wonderful people who most likely you'll never see again.
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