Needn't have worried about whether the weather in Florida was going to match up to the hot spell we were having in SE England. Temperature in Miami Beach was still 30C even at 7pm this evening. V grateful for air conditioned buildings if only to escape from the temperature and humidity outside. As usual though, air conditioning has its downside - streaming nose, and v dry mouth already (and that was just the plane). Hopefully that'll wear off soon.
BA flight was average as usual. For some reason they served lunch at just after 10 am UK time (5am EST!) and then tea an hour before landing in Miami at 1pm EST. There was me trying to get my body clock adjusted to the time difference, and I kept getting woken up to eat a meal that was being served at totally the wrong time of day. Also had the usual BA problem with requesting a veggie meal. Now that they bring special meals round before serving everyone else, you never get a drink with your food (unless you let the food go cold). This morning was prob worst so far. Got woken up to be presented with a very bland vegetable tagini. Before the drinks trolley and coffee arrived, I'd had time to eat the meal and fall asleep again, so missed out on free alcohol (!) - b*stards didn't wake me up for that.
Staying in a reasonable hostel just a couple of blocks from the sea. Was quite pleasant sitting down on the beach earlier - there was a wonderful cooling breeze coming in off the sea.
Enough for now - need to go and book at least one trip out from here. Can't come to Florida without going and visiting the Gators in the Everglades.
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