Now where did I get to with this blog? Oh yes, I remember - being bored in Toronto.
Well I relieved the boredom a little by taking another trip to Niagara Falls to see more of the Candian side and also to see them lit up at night. Very cool. Also had a few fireworks laid on. Started with a walk down to the White Water Rapids which was awesome - grade 6 (i.e. a grade above anything you're allowed to raft on!).
Seems more people have been killed in the rapids over the years than by the Falls themselves (including Captain Matthew Webb just after he became the 1st person to swim the English Channel). Then took the Aero Car over the Whirlpool which gave a great view. And then sat out a torrential downpour of rain before the fireworks.
Then headed out an adventure trip with Moose Travel. Beaver trip was a three day excursion up to Algonquin Provincial Park and back. It was good to get out of the cities and to see a bit of wild Canada. We started as a small select group of 3 Brits, a German, 1 Swiss, and a token Aussie which was a good number. Meant everyone got to know everyone else quite quickly. Went hiking, swimming, visited Petroglyphs centre, swimming again, canoeing, sliding down waterfalls, and more swimming (after all, it was the hottest Ontario whether so far this year). Were joined by another German and two Aussies for the trip back to Toronto (hence the larger number of people in the mandatory "Moose" photo above).Finally for now, final days in Toronto were spent playing more poker (for money this time - almost won but had to surrender my $10 stake to Levi at the end of the evening), kayaking around Toronto Islands, and avoiding the rain.
Next stop: Vancouver.