An update on temperature in Miami Beach: still 30C. Doesn't seem to change much day or night. Now have a pair of slightly pink feet having spent a little bit too long on the beach yesterday morning. Water was lovely to swim in though.
Managed to fit in a trip to the Everglades this morning. Only touched the very edge of the glades and spent more time in the coach getting there and back than we actually did at Gator Park. However that is one more thing ticked off the list of things to do and see. Would have liked to have spent a bit more time there but without a car that would have been tricky.

Spent yesterday afternoon in downtown Miami. Metromover is a bargain - free monorail ride around the downtown area. Gave a good opportunity to travel around and stop off if I saw anything interesting. Didn't make too many stops - Miami is a very modern city with nothing too much for the tourist to explore. From the sound of it, it is getting even more modern by the day. Thought there was a lot of building work going on in Moscow when I was out there in January. However Miami beats that hands down. Apparently there are 100 new skyscrapers under construction at the moment.
Anyway, that about wraps it up for Miami. One more night here and then I get the Amtrak up to Orlando tomorrow morning. Think I'll spend the rest of the afternoon back on the beach - need to chill just a little bit more.
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